Call for Presentations (English Version)
Call for Presentations (Portuguese Version)
Call for Presentations (Spanish Version)
Call for Presentations (English Version)
Call for Presentations (Portuguese Version)
Call for Presentations (Spanish Version)
To be developed...
To be developed...
To be developed...
To be developed...
Important Announcements:
New virtual seminar dates July 18 - 22, 2021
Seminar Program > Poster Exhibition >
Upcoming UIA-PHG Seminar events:
Instruction to find the Public Health Stage - Purple Room: PDF
July 18, 13:00-14:00 Rio, PHG Keynote (Public Health-Purple Room)
July 19, 8:00-9:00 Rio, Opening Ceremony (Zoom meeting Link)
July 19, 9:00-12:00 Rio, Presentation Sessions (Public Health-Purple Room)
July 19, 12:00-13:00 Rio, Social Meeting (Zoom meeting Link)
COVID-19 Resource Bulletin (Selected)
White Papers
FGI - The Facility Guidelines Institute​
University of Toronto Centre for Design + Health Innovation
Institution-based isolation could better contain the spread of COVID-19 than home-isolation: Study​
Plummeting air pollution leads to 11,000 fewer deaths in Europe
Smart cities project to use hyper-local mobility data to forecast disease spread
Is Project Héroe the Audacious Solution Needed to Stem Future Outbreaks? By Wanda Lau
Modular Tool Box/HOMA-Hôpital Modulaire Autonome (in French) Developed by French UIA-PHG Workgroup
CannonDesign Creates Modular, Walk-in Booth Design for Coronavirus Testing.
A 30-bed community health centre as per India guidelines using shipping containers. Developed by Martin Fiset.
An Architecture Guide to the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals, Volume 2
Hospital 21: Breathing new Life in the 21st century Hospital​
Annual 2020: Covid 19. by Argentine Association of Hospital Architecture and Engineering
Innovations in Transportable Healthcare Architecture, by Stephen Verderber (Author)
Conference VENISE 14-15 September 2021
Annual meeting of the French associations of healthcare architects in Menton
October 18 to 20, 2021​
CHALLENGES OF A PANDEMIC: The implementation of the Covid-19 vaccine in Portuguese-speaking countries.
This free event will be held on May 25th and will be exclusively in the Portuguese language.
More information is available on the event website here
TAMU: Texas A&M University Architecture for Health Lecture Series, Spring 2021
Topic: Design & Construction of Health & Healthcare Facilities in the Context of a Continuum of Care