Call for Presentations (English Version)
Call for Presentations (Portuguese Version)
Call for Presentations (Spanish Version)
Call for Presentations (English Version)
Call for Presentations (Portuguese Version)
Call for Presentations (Spanish Version)
To be developed...
To be developed...
To be developed...
To be developed...
The UIA is a international non - governmental organisation, founded in Lausanne in 1948 to unite architects from all nations throughout the world, regardless of nationality, race, religion or architectural school of thought, within the federations of their national associations.
The UIA represents probably over a million architects throughout the world through their national architectural associations that form the UIA Member Sections.
The UIA is composed of almost 100 Member Sections which are the professional organisations most representative of architects in the world. Each Section functions independently at nthe ational level and acts as the liaison with the government, other member sections and the Union itself through a secretariat responsible for UIA affairs.
Member Sections contribute towards the economic and financial vitality of the Union through the payment of membership fees which constitute the essential recourses of the UIA.
Member Section are geographically divided into 5 regions:
Region I : Western Europe.
Region II : Middle East and Eastern Europe.
Section III : Americas.
Section IV : Asia and Australia.
Section V : Africa.
In order to carry out its missions the UIA is structured to allow it to maintain contacts with professional organisations and their representatives, and to coordinate their professional relations at an international level, democratically and collegially.
This structure is made up of the:
The Assembly is composed of delegations representing the Union Member Sections, of which it is the supreme legislative body. It convenes every three year to:
elect the members of the Bureau,
elect the members of the Council,
decide on the venue of the World Congresses of Architects,
ratify the admission of new Member Section,
define the Union triennial programme of activities,
vote on the UIA frame budget.
Is composed of four representatives from each of the five UIA Regions
Is composed of the President, the Past President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer and five Vice Presidents responsible for professional activities in their Region
General Secretariat
Is placed under the responsibility of the Secretary General and is the Union executive body and the administrative centre.
To carry out the mission of the UIA there are Working Bodies, divided in Commissions and Work Program Groups. Each Commission and Work Program Group has a director and members from the member countries.
The UIA-Public Health Group is one of those Work Program Groups.
The headquarters of the UIA are situated in Paris.
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