Call for Presentations (English Version)
Call for Presentations (Portuguese Version)
Call for Presentations (Spanish Version)
Call for Presentations (English Version)
Call for Presentations (Portuguese Version)
Call for Presentations (Spanish Version)
To be developed...
To be developed...
To be developed...
To be developed...
What is the UIA Public Health Group?
The UIA - PHG is one of the working bodies of the UIA, the Union International des Architects or International Union of Architects. It was founded in1955 and represent members and guest from all continents and a growing participation from more than 60 countries in 2012.
Within the context of the UIA philosophy it is the vision of the UIA-PHG that world public health can profit by the dedication of architects to provide efficient, safe and aesthetic health care buildings and an environment that can contribute to a more rapid healing of the patients as well as an improvement in staff operations and satisfaction.
Mission Statement.
To accomplish this vision the UIA-PHG should share its knowledge and experience not only within the group but also to other architects, engineers and consultants, health care managers and providers, health care organizations and governments, as well as to the general public. It should also initiate research projects that contribute to better health care buildings and environments.

The activities of the UIA-WP Public Health are determined by a lively exchange of information and mutual assistance among its members, the national sections, the national and international organizations and institutes of health and hospital care. The members are contributing with scientific and professional work, reports, publications and organizational work.
The backbone of the activities are the International Public Health Seminars (IPHS) which are jointly organized with IHF and WHO, and the International Hospital Congresses, their discussion groups on architecture and engineering taken care of by the UIA-PHG. The subjects of the IPHS have always been of special indication, subjects to be rather treated at seminars or to supplement the themes of congresses.
The UIA-PHG represents regularly the Union and the Group at various other events e.g. WHO assemblies and conferences, congresses on primary health care, nursing, hospital engineering, interstitial space, energy conservation, fire protection and others. In the recent past, joint conferences, e.g. with the Academy Architecture for Health of AIA, Tesis, Technical Chamber of Greece, IHF, United Architects of Philippines or with the BDA-AKG show the progress in the exchange of information toward the architects in practice.
This trend towards treating the question of the work in practice is also visible by the increasing collaboration in regional conferences as for example in Havana (Cuba) 1988, Rome (Italy) 1989 and 1993, Jerusalem (Israel) 1990, Dusseldorf (Germany) 1991 and 1997, London (Great Britain) 1992 and Manila (Philippines) 2001.